Tuesday, November 06, 2007

It's been a while

So today I shall be breef since I don't have too much time and I have so much to say, but some things can wait, currently I am on a new job after 3 months of been without a job (and without money ¬¬u), so my new job is in another callcenter (yes, I know ...) and this one is Teletech, the product is Time Warner Cable South West, they pay me better and I work less so it is very fine for now, I's till living in the appartment by myself, and I have 2 new roomies, Alicia, and ...(yes we are four now, it very much like a circus this days), my mom is very fine thank you, much better about her debts now that I can help her, my brother is doing pretty much fine, and I had a terrible return to something.... yes I'm playing Ragnarok Online, it is all Vahn's fault, so anyway that's prettymuch it,have a nice day^^


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