Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Update ?

Gee i almost totally forgot to update this thing for a while, but first I´m not used, second I wanted to change the layout but ups I forgot that i don't know CSS so I rhink I'll ask Diego to teach me . . . when I get some time for myself. I DO want to add some stuff to the blog but first I need to know how to, it must not be too hard, well anyway I wrote something today, I just remembered what someone told me, and I too am a Muad'Dib like Paul in Dune, I am a survivor, and well yes I forgot this little place since a lot of stuff happened last year and beggining this year, most of you already know but for those I gave the blog to know more about this little redhead guy well let me tell you a bit of it, my dad died on November 28th of last year of Pulmonar Cancer, I have lost someone dear in him and somebody else leaved me to be with someone else, on January 8th I started school again to finish it once and for all, on the 9th I got Chiken Pox (Varicela)so I stayed home for 2 weeks, so I missed work and school which was not that good at all, I returned and I'm living how I can, soon my brother and I will move to my mom's apartment, I'm just selecting the books that I will take with me, last week I felt depressed so that why I remembered today about Muad'Dib, I hope you like it. See Ya


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