Friday, November 24, 2006

And what is a blog if I don't post? I need to post regulary but I had not posted yet so.... Well the idea of this place is to know a little wee bit about me so well here we go....

Ultimate ^^

Lately I have been reading a lot of comic books and most of them have been of the Marvel Ultimate line, since it is a new universe everyone can get it from the start, Ultimate Spiderman which is the longest of the series is only on issue 101, also it is a freshen up for old characters and keeps old things in the record how come? Well Ultimate Universe is like an update it is Marvel if it was in a REAL (or the closest thing to real) based Universe, so it keep fantasy but doesn't over does it. Ultimate Spiderman reflects a lot the normal world, with normal people, and not a whole bunch of super heroes and villains kicking each others back, it shows purposes, reaction, intentions, actions and counteractions characters there just don't do thing just for the fun of it or because it was a plot device of the writer (well sometimes seems like), but is really shows a fantasy world in a more realistic way, Ultimates show how a Superhero team would look like, and how does the world reacts against it is more like it than it shows in regular comic books. Examples come in a lot of varieties:

Ultimate Hulk: (My favorite example) Instead of being a monster with the mind of an "authist" child it shows up as a 2 sided coin man, one side is a man who has been stepped over all his life, enduring the pain of being alive being a failure to everyone including his girlfriend Betty, the Super Soldier Serum wakes up the side of banner that nobody thought it could be, Hulk is a lusty monster, a canibal and socipath* who killed hundreds when Betty turned him for Freddy Prince Jr, Banner latter embrace his inner sociopath and gained control of his Hulk persona by finally accepting himself as he is (as Banner said, Accepting his inner sociopath).

Ultimate Spiderman: He has remained a teenager for all the run of the series, a big difference fall in May Parker who is not a kind old lady, May is a strong independent woman that supports Peter, the variety of villains is the same but the quickness of the sagas is quite different, when on the old 616 Marvel Universe a saga could take 6 to 12 issues, and villains kept coming back every third ¬¬, here a saga a the most takes 6 issues and if villains return they need a really good reason to do so. Differnce also comes in that not only Peter is still a teenager but he reflects it, thing that does not happen in 616, he never dated Gwen, nor Felicia, Gwen does not dies the same way, Mary Jane is the one that falls from the bridge and she does not get killed, Gwens dad does not dies the same way, so it is not the same, but it is close enought. You will se the same characters with different o similar but not the same personalities and backgrounds. So it is fun to read ^^.

Nick Fury: Here we have someone that is more likely to be how he is than how he is in 616, Nick Fury here is a Black ex-soldier, leader of SHIELD, we basically rules the world from the shadows, he is smart and slick, he is the responsible for the creation of the Ultimates, and as another big difference from the 616 he is a well know public figure.

Thor: Here we have a BIG difference, Thor is indeed the human incarnation of the Norse god of Thunder, but here he is an Anti-globalist activist smart and powerfull, people think he is only a man with a mental breakdown and a heavy lot of weapons, but, not he is indeed a God made human he really comes to save the world. He is MUCH more cool than the normal Thor.

Capitan America: Even if it looks like the same shit, he is quite different, he really show that he is from another era, he is a old man in a modern world, he is stuck in the world he used to live in, not as optimistic as the 616, cap is the kind of hero/soldier America need, he is almost always eager to do as he is told by his so proud goverment. He is kind of a Chauvinist Bastard, even so his skills and mind are awesome, but still he is just the damned Theme Hero of the US ¬¬.

For today I think that is it I will write more latter about other Ultimate Characters and Series, just give me some time^^, I´m tired but happy, I need a good night of sleep, enjoy!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Finally!! I made up this blog, you may spect some improvement on the layout just give me some time because I amd having a hard time in finding some time, as a matter of fact I did wanted to create this blog long time ago, it is just that I didn't have the time. Also about the language well... I like the english but it will be a half and half, depending on what I write and when my humor and stuff like that, right now I am at work so I will provably change the html when I get home latter. Well I'm kind of lazy (well not really, I am VERY lazy) so I may not updat this very often but give me some time I have to use my time in something creative, and that not only I may enjoy. And also please spect not only my wirtting, some pictures, games, manga, comics and anime post, why? Because this blog is for some of my friends to know me better, a very few people know me so this is the place to know a little bit about me, most of the time only a few know what is going on my mind, and I need to ventilate some ideas that are still on my mind, so well that is more or less the idea of this wicked place. Feel free, to visit whenever you feel like reading a weird opinion ... ups I forgot I am not weird, I am "Peculiar" (no soy raro soy "peculiar"). Well anyway have fun everyone reading around here ^^.