Saturday, April 19, 2008

Geek Stuff

I was wandering about in the web and I found some text on l33t, and then I remembered of a Magic card (Magical Hacker, posted above) and I took it out of my Magic folder and I realized that now I was able to read the flavor text and I got scared, wanna know why? Read the flavor text, IF you can.

PD: Talking about Geek stuff I found out that the "
20q - Pocket Mind Reader" is now available on Wallmart or Sanborns stores, it's such a shame that it's a bit too late for my birthday(thought I still receive late birthday presents ^^).

Quick Update

Today is Saturday morning and after a rush of inspiration and geniality I finally learned CSS in a two days period (not everything but a great grasp of how it works and about half of the mot commonly used commands on)!!! So I will finally give some style to this blog, but not jut yet, I jut need to update one more time at lest. So lets start with it, right no I'm still unemployed but I hope that will change soon, I just moved from room about 2 weeks ago, due the fact that we are having some changes in the inquilines (Alice moved out to live with her boyfriend, and Tania was thrown out just yesterday) this room is bigger and has a celling fan, plus it has a double lock on the door so I have a little wee bit more of security; I'm currently single due the fact that I had some trouble with that little beloved someone, I'm right no programing websites for a friend of mine, and I will also sell the hosting, and the domains to the customers, and I will also perform a bit of tech support for small companies, o I hope that will stabilize my economy a bit (at least). Also there is the big fact that I'm on a lawsuit against my former employer (Teleshit) for several things that they messed up, so I spect that to be finished in September or October. Also I will be building a Cosplay website any time soon (namely this month) so I will be posting there pictures that Diego and I have taken in the past comic book events (mostly TNT). And I will be traveling this coming Sunday (yes tomorrow) to Laredo as an interpreter for a small security company which work Nascar and my job is to sleep all the way to Laredo and back and every now and then talk with the American truck drivers, I will be coming back on Tuesday morning.

In the family news my mom is fine thank you, my brother is about to break up with his former band (Cracket) and is in the process of creating a new one with one of his former highschool schoolmates. And my aunt preretired so now she has all the time in the world (yes we are afraid VERY afraid).

And the BIG news for today is that I DID got accepted at the UNAM to study Informatic, so I will finally resume my college studies, bad news is that since it is a different profession I will have to start from scratch, but I'm very happy with my choise and I'm just waiting for my profession change exam (no there is no direct admission exam for my profession, so you have to be accepted in the faculty and then make the profession change exam in order to get to the desired profession), but there is also a big plus, I will be studing at the Faculty of Accounting and Administration, which is the very same faculty in which my dad studied, that makes me very happy and I know that would had made him very happy too!!

PD: I couldn't help to add this and it is that I designed the website and wrote this post entirely without 6 keys from my keyboard, a module of the keyboard got damaged and I have no "2" "w" "s" "x" "<" ">" "@" or even " " " and trust me it SUCKS!!!! I had to place each and letter missing with ASCII and it takes a hell lot of time from you trust me!!!